Using char Data Type

class CharDemo {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        //The char data type is represented internally as a number
        //It holds a single unicode character
        char correctAnserOption = 'A';
        //The unicode value for the @ sign is 64.
        char atSign = 64;

        //You can also use it to display non-printable characters
        //You use a backslash to represent non-printable characters
        //Here is a tab key
        char tab = '\t';
        System.out.println("Hello" + tab + "There");

        //Try adding a newline instead of a tab between Hello and There
        //HINT - The newline character is represented by n 

Character Literals

The char data type can contain a single unicode character enclosed in single quotes('').

char correctAnserOption = 'A';

Note that the 'A' character is enclosed in single quotes.

Non-printable characters

Char literals can also be created from the int literals. ```java char atSign = 64; char atSignInhexadecimal = 0x40; //Created using hexadecimal notation. Dont try at home. char tab = '\t'; //Defines a tab character

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