Assignment Operator

The assignment operator (=), assigns a value on its left side to the variable on the right side.

Assign the value 100 to the variable total

int total = 100;

Change the value of the variable by assigning it different values

boolean isLoggedIn = false;

//change the value once user is is logged in sucessfuly
isLoggedIn = true;

Multiple Variable Assignment

You can also assign the same value to multiple variables by chaining the assignment operator(=)

int x;
int y;

x = y = 10; //Both x and y will have the value 10

Compound Assignment Operators

The assignment operator can be used by other operators as a shortcut to perform an operation.

Here is a common operation, adding 1 to the current value

int sum = 10;
sum = sum + 1; //Sum is now 11

Using a compound += to do the same operation and yield the same results

int sum = 10;
sum += 1; //Sum is now 11

Compound Assignment Operators Table

Operator Description Example
+= Compound Addition sum += 10
-= Compound Subtraction sum -= 10
*= Compound Multiplication sum *= 10
/= Compound Division sum /= 10
%= Compound Modulo sum %= 10

More Examples

Add 10 the current value of sum. sum will be 20.

int sum = 10;
sum += 10;

Multiply with 10 to the current value of sum. The value of sum will now be 100.

int sum = 10;
sum *= 10;

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