Using double
Data Type
Practise your skills and try to change the code. Read the comments and try what is within the TODO comment.
class DoubleDemo { public static void main (String[] args) { //A double type holds a floating point number //A double is a 64-bit precision floating point number //Use double type for high precesion floating point types double averageScore = 550.50; System.out.println("averageScore " + averageScore); //We can also prefix it with a D or d but a floating point literal is automatically a double value double totalScore = 975.05D; System.out.println("totalScore " + totalScore); //We can also use scientifc notifcation to represent the double value double minimumDoubleValue = 4.9E-324; double maximumDoubleValue = 1.7976931348623157E308; System.out.println("minimumDoubleValue " + minimumDoubleValue); //TODO //Change the value of totalScore and use the small d instead of the D and Run again //Notice we can either use a d or D or leave the prefix out //Create a variable called height and assign it your double height value //Print the height to the console } }